Supporting you, your baby and your goals, even from your rocking chair at 3am
From videos and resources to support you with a tongue tie release or getting a great latch or finding community support - I’ve got you.
Oral Function Resources
Supporting you through your baby’s lip and or tongue tie release is more than just one time and we’re done. I am passionate about empowering you to help your baby have optimal function before and after their release.
Latching Resources
Latching is a two part system; your body has a chemical response to your baby when Oxytocin flows and pushes milk to your baby (the “let down”) and baby has the job of creating a DEEP latch to maintain the vacuum pressure to aid milk flowing to them.
Supportive Bodywork Resources
Having a wholistic approach to baby’s feeding struggles is helpful; we can’t do it al ourselves sometimes! Infant massage, chiropractic care, cranial sacral therapy and reflex integration are all parts of a supportive care plan to help you and your baby reach your goals.