Exercise + Milk Supply

One of the biggest concerns out there (once breastfeeding is established, latch is mastered and sore nipples aren’t a concern) is the worry that getting back into your exercise routine will affect your milk supply. Let’s talk about that!

Moms generally find that when they’re nursing, they’re THIRSTY. And HUNGRY. While your body requires about 500cal a day to maintain your supply, many moms feel ravenous and constantly thirsty. First, listen to your body. Drink the water. Eat the tacos.

Maintaining a balanced diet (and yes, that includes a donut) and adequate hydration will only help you feel better, and it won’t hurt your milk supply either. But milk is made based on supply and demand and your body’s hormones; your nutrition and exercise levels don’t have nearly the affect on supply as we’re led to think.

Research supports that moderate exercise does not have an impact on milk supply and infant growth. The benefits to the nursing mama of getting back to her exercise routine include:

  • Personal space - this is a wonderful way to set a personal boundary with your partner that you deserve 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. A walk, a yoga class from YouTube, or a quick trip to your local gym.

  • Improved Mental Wellbeing - research supports that an exercise routine improves maternal mental health as well as emotional wellbeing and overall level of energy (and can’t we all use that!)

  • Improved Physical Recovery - from cardiovascular health to muscle tone; exercise improves your ability to care for yourself and your family.

I am certainly not here to push “fitness” onto any one, let alone a new parent. I will gently encourage a walk, preferably alone if you can, and an extra glass of water so that you can feel like YOU. And if you’re wanting to hit the gym again, the research backs you that your body and your milk supply with thank you.

Angela Das

Hi, I’m Angela. I own this little business where my team and I help a lot of parents and babies figure out breastfeeding and life in The Newborn Forest™. I have an almost uncomfortable amount of people “following me around the internet” on Instagram and I have no idea how to use TikTok. Being a friend, advocate and cheerleader to people during the fourth trimester is my soul’s song. I’m glad you’re here.


Human Milk Storage, Collection and Use


You are unique; the only you that will ever be…